…With a special visit from Richard to update us on Robin’s condition. Click on Image for The Presidential Briefing Trailer: https://youtu.be/G7rLvWy8Ih0 TO HEAR THE SHOW CLICK ON WHITE PLAY ARROW BELOW LEFT. Join guest host Will Farrar on tonight’s the other side of midnight broadcast as Will and his guests will explore what humanity has learned from the amazingly successful opportunity and spirit rover missions. Tune in and join us on the website as we explore various phenomena, beautiful scenes and the anomalous features that both rovers photographed. Richard C. Hoagland will also be joining in the final hour with an update to all the loyal listeners! Show Items Richard’s Item: Richard and Robin measuring Stonehenge Host – Will Farrar’s Items: Click on Images to Enlarge 1- Jose Escamilla – Rest In Peace – December 12, 2018 2- Spot On! New Horizons Spacecraft Returns Its Sharpest Views of Ultima Thule [...]